Akash Poptani, a fourth-year undergraduate with a focus on Electrical Engineering, graciously unfolds his enriching experience during a summer internship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in Hong Kong. Throughout his internship, Akash was deeply engrossed in the area of Computer Architecture. His primary focus was directed...
Welcome to the vibrant world of technology and culture at IIT Dharwad! As you leaf through the pages of the fresher's primer, get ready to immerse yourself in the diverse mosaic that defines life on our campus. Our array of student-led clubs presents an unparalleled gateway for you to explore...
Smriti, a passionate 4th-year undergraduate student majoring in Electrical Engineering, dives into her incredible summer in Vancouver, at the University of British Columbia (UBC), where she assumes the role of a MITACS Research Intern. Her focus revolves around a captivating venture within the domain of next-generation Wireless Communications.
Lokesh B Jogi, a proficient 4th-year undergraduate majoring in Mechanical Engineering, unveils his enriching journey as a summer intern at Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany. Through his meticulous work and passion for mechanical engineering, Lokesh played an integral role in the Micromechanical and Macroscopic Modelling (MMM) research group while working on the...
Academics hold a significant position in the lives of students at IIT Dharwad. In this section, we aim to provide a concise overview of the academic curriculum at IITDh, shedding light on its structure (even if it may appear intricate). Following that, we will delve into a brief exploration of...
Hrishikesh Pable, a 4th year CSE undergrad, dishes out his wonderful story of working as a summer intern at Ottawa, Canada, utilising his opportunities in the best way possible and expanding his knowledge in the fields of Brain-inspired AI. During this amazing tenure, he discovers the impactful relationship between the...