Intern Diaries #6

Exploring Opportunities and Enriching Experiences: My Summer Internship Journey in Hong Kong

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Exploring Opportunities and Enriching Experiences: My Summer Internship Journey in Hong Kong

Akash Poptani, a fourth-year undergraduate with a focus on Electrical Engineering, graciously unfolds his enriching experience during a summer internship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in Hong Kong. Throughout his internship, Akash was deeply engrossed in the area of Computer Architecture. His primary focus was directed towards crafting a specialized prefetcher architecture tailored for multi-AI core setups.

Introduction: Embarking on a Transformative Journey

Hello everyone! I’m Akash Poptani, a final-year EE student. My passions include delving into Computer Architecture, Formal Verification, Hardware Security, and Digital Design. I had an opportunity to do a research internship at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and I can’t emphasize enough how truly amazing the experience turned out to be.

Embracing Academic Research: A Path of Curiosity

Why Academic Research?

The domain of research provides me with the avenue to explore my areas of interest in depth. Since a young age, I’ve nurtured a curiosity about the intricate mechanisms of computers. To explore my interests in the computer hardware domain, I began immersing myself in related literature and sought guidance from a professor within our institute. Through collaboration on a modest project, I came to the realization that this was the path I wished to pursue. Another reason is that it is always challenging. I have been cautioned by some fellow alums that industrial work gets monotonous after a point.

Reaching out to professors and applying for various programs marked the initial steps of my journey. The majority of the professors initially reviewed my transcript and resume. Subsequently, they scheduled brief interviews with me. It was through a video conference that I received the offer for this opportunity. While I had two other offers from Arizona State University (SURI) and Clarkson University (Non-Funded), it was clear to me that HKUST was the most appealing choice among all the universities. Additionally, my advisor at HKUST exhibited flexibility in allowing me to choose a project within the scope of her research group. With this in mind, I opted to pursue the opportunity in Hong Kong, simultaneously participating in ASU’s SURI program as a remote participant.

Academic Voyage: Immersed in Learning and Collaboration

At HKUST, I had the privilege of accessing world-class facilities and abundant resources. This facilitated easy availability of all the necessary materials and equipment. Under the guidance of my professor, I was introduced to a community of PhD students within her research group. This exposure allowed me to explore diverse research directions across different subdomains, eventually leading me to select my own field of interest. These fellow students were incredibly supportive, patiently addressing even my smallest queries.

Once I determined my desired subdomain, I actively contributed to the work of two PhD students in the domain of Multi AI-core processors. My role involved designing hardware modules to assess the overhead of optimizations they had implemented on the simulator.

The conclusion of my internship marked a successful milestone with the submission of a paper to a prestigious conference in our field, namely the International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) in 2024. This conference is a cornerstone of our field, and having the opportunity to contribute to it is an honor that signifies not only my growth as a researcher but also the valuable insights I’ve gained during my time at HKUST.

Experiencing the Heart of Hong Kong: A Fusion of Exploration

Initially, I faced challenges during my first few days, dealing with limited acquaintances and living in a cramped room. However, this improved when I shifted to college halls, making it easier to connect with fellow students. I managed to establish friendships through different avenues, including leveraging Indian connections and striking up conversations in elevators.

University sports facilities granted us access to a variety of activities. I enjoyed playing badminton and started learning how to swim. The facilities were of exceptional quality and kept in excellent condition. There was a seaside by my hall which was a perfect place to walk with stunning views.

My experience included engaging in numerous hikes that offered breathtaking city views, exploring historical sites and temples, wandering through vibrant markets like Mong Kok, and indulging in luxury shopping in Central. Additionally, I had the opportunity to visit various amusement parks, including Disneyland, experience night camping at serene beaches, explore the city’s nightlife through club hopping, and discover cultural gems like the Tian Tan Buddha. The diverse culinary scene also left a lasting impression.

Navigating new challenges, adapting to a diverse environment, and collaborating with peers from different backgrounds have honed my resilience, adaptability, and interpersonal skills. These experiences have not only enriched my academic pursuits but have also shaped me into a more confident, open-minded, and globally aware individual.

Language Dynamics: Embracing Challenges with Determination

Was it challenging considering the local population predominantly speaks Cantonese? Living in Hong Kong with only Hindi and English is manageable due to widespread English usage, especially in business and tourist areas. However, language barriers might arise with the local population, who primarily speak Cantonese. I used Google translator at such places.

Uncharted Horizons: Pondering Future Pathways

My future plans are not yet set in stone. One aspiration I hold is to pursue a PhD at some stage in my life. Esteemed individuals in my field have suggested considering a direct PhD, given its feasibility compared to later in life when responsibilities increase. Another consideration is gaining industry experience abroad, as it would provide a fresh perspective on work dynamics outside academia. Beginning this December, I intend to take on a role as a Research Assistant at UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) in Barcelona.

Concluding Remarks: Reflections and Gratitude

In summary, my time in Hong Kong was a mix of overcoming initial challenges, forming connections, and embracing a rich array of experiences that ranged from exploring the city’s natural beauty to its cultural and culinary offerings. Undoubtedly, this was an incredible adventure that I wholeheartedly recommend to all. Additionally, I am more than happy to recommend enthusiastic and talented students for potential opportunities within my advisor’s group. Feel free to reach out if you are interested or seeking further information.

The views presented above are the blogger’s own and are not in any manner representative of the views of Drishti or IIT Dharwad in general.


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